
Real slim shady album version
Real slim shady album version

The music and message of Eminem are gaining volume and influence in today’s youth culture. One concert reviewer saw first-hand how kids take to Eminem’s music during a live show: “the filthier the music, the louder the cheers” (Anthony Bozza, Rolling Stone, 4/29/99).

real slim shady album version

Some find it “funny.” Others find it reflective of their own life experience. What does Eminem’s young audience think of all this? Ask them about Eminem and they’ll tell you how much they love his music. Riggs Morales of the hip-hop magazine The Source describes him as “a 5′ 9″ purveyor of mayhem whose middle finger never seems to bow down” (7/00). Rolling Stone’s Toure’ says Eminem “has a macabre imagination to rival Satan’s” and calls him “a rage-filled, drug-addled, homicidal, charismatic talent and bona fide megastar” (7/6-20/00). Even the most progressive music magazines recognize the fact that Eminem has stretched the mainstream musical/lyrical envelope to new limits. When you listen to Eminem’s music while considering the definition of “compelling” (“To cause a person or thing to act or move in spite of resistance.”), the picture of this pop pied piper leading our kids through adolescence and into adulthood is terribly unsettling.

real slim shady album version

The bleached-blonde kid with blue eyes who’s redefining the image of the “All-American Boy” has been labeled by Newsweek as the “most compelling figure in pop music” (5/29/00). Known by our kids as Eminem, he’s hanging out with them and peddling his angry, gut-wrenching worldview through his chart-topping albums and frequent airplay on MTV. Judging from his meteoric rise from nowhere into the center beam of the pop culture spotlight, the 26-year-old white kid from Detroit who’s become the new “King of Hip-Hop” has gained a huge young following for his “gleefully pathological” ( Newsweek, 7/19/99) music and message.

real slim shady album version

You won’t see him hanging around the schoolyard or at your neighborhood playground, but there are probably few kids inNorth America who haven’t encountered him and his lessons on life. He’s been described as controversial, demented, vulgar, violently warped and offensive. ©2000, The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

Real slim shady album version